February 4: Evening for Women Program – “The Nameless Women of Mark’s Gospel” with Kelly Meraw

February 4: <i>Evening for Women</i> Program – “The Nameless Women of Mark’s Gospel” with Kelly Meraw

All women of our Collaborative are invited to our first Evening for Women of 2025!

As we continue to explore our theme, “Women in Scripture and the Church”, our Director of Pastoral Care and Liturgy, Kelly Meraw, will explore “The Nameless Women of Mark’s Gospel.” Come and enjoy an evening of reflection and prayer and see afresh the impactful faith of these women in scripture.

Bring a friend and a dish to share for a potluck to follow!  Please RSVP…

Updates from the November 19 School Committee Meeting: Vote Postponed to December 10, New Models Being Considered

Updates from the November 19 School Committee Meeting: Vote Postponed to December 10, New Models Being Considered

Our Pastor, Fr. Jim, and Kelly Meraw, our Director of Pastoral Care and Liturgy, have both spoken at recent School Committee meetings to explain the centrality of Good Friday in Christian belief and worship. We are grateful to all who have taken the time to share their thoughts with the School Committee, both during public comment and via email…

Thank you for recognizing that while we are speaking on behalf of our own Catholic Christian community, we are also in solidarity with the other faith/cultural communities involved in this discussion.  In particular, we want to thank our high school students and the students from other faith/cultural traditions who spoke so eloquently about their own personal faith journeys and practices…

Update: Good Friday and the Wellesley Public Schools Academic Calendar

Update: Good Friday and the Wellesley Public Schools Academic Calendar

As we explained in last week’s bulletin, the WPS Academic Calendar Task Force has presented a recommended option to the School Committee that retains Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Lunar New Year as holidays. It also adds either Eid Al-Fitr or Eid Al-Adha (depending on the year) and removes Good Friday and Diwali as holidays.

Kelly Meraw, our Director of Pastoral Care and Liturgy, spoke at the School Committee meeting on October 29.

Fr. Jim Laughlin, our pastor, hopes to speak at the meeting on November 12.

All are encouraged to share comments with the School Committee via email at: School_Committee@wellesleyps.org or during the public comment…

This Thursday, September 12: Wellesley Interfaith Lay Dialogue Event: “Synodality: A Language of Listening”

This Thursday, September 12: <i>Wellesley Interfaith Lay Dialogue</i> Event: “Synodality: A Language of Listening”

In late April, Temple Beth Elohim hosted a beautiful night of Shabbat services and interfaith sharing. Members of faith communities throughout the Wellesley community were invited to worship together and hear reflections from representative clergy. From that beautiful event the idea for an interfaith lay ministry arose. Members of various congregations met together and formed the Wellesley Interfaith Lay DialogueWILD – whose aim is to explore opportunities for lay conversation and collaboration.

Our first event, facilitated by Kelly Meraw, will be held on Thursday, September 12 at 7:00pm at Temple Beth Elohim in Wellesley. The topic of the evening’s dialogue will be “Synodality: A Language of  Listening”

Wellesley Interfaith Lay Dialogue (WILD)

Wellesley Interfaith Lay Dialogue (WILD)

In late April, Temple Beth Elohim hosted a beautiful night of Shabbat services and interfaith sharing. Members of faith communities throughout the Wellesley community were invited to worship together and hear reflections from representative clergy. 

From that beautiful event the idea for an interfaith lay ministry arose. Members of various congregations met together and formed WILD (Wellesley Interfaith Lay Dialogue), whose aim is to explore opportunities for lay conversation and collaboration.

Our first event, facilitated by Kelly Meraw, will be held on Thursday, September 12 at 6:00PM at Temple Beth Elohim in Wellesley. The topic of the evening’s dialogue will be “Synodality: A Language of  Listening”

Kelly Meraw Preaching for the Feast of St. Mary Magdalene on “Catholic Women Preach”

Kelly Meraw Preaching for the Feast of St. Mary Magdalene on “Catholic Women Preach”

Please take a few moments to watch Kelly’s reflection on the readings for July 22, the Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene.

Kelly reminds us of Mary’s deep listening to Jesus’ call, and her courage and perseverance in answering his call to “go and tell.”

“He is here. He is alive. He is speaking to us. And we’ve got to tell everyone!”

Click the Play button below to watch the video –