Saint John School in the News!

Saint John School in the News!

Our own Saint John School is featured in this WBZ report – “Some Private Schools Have Been In Class Full Time Since Fall – How One Made It Work”.  

“It wasn’t [a question of] are we going to open, it was how are we going to open?” said St. John School Principal Siobhan Mahoney. “We had a COVID task force that met throughout the summer to identify best practices.”

The small parochial school, of 218 students, divided classes into cohorts to minimize movement, invested in air purifiers, plastic barriers, cleaning supplies and personal protective equipment. Mahoney says the safety upgrades cost an estimated $41,000. So far, administrators have seen fewer than five confirmed cases and no in-school transmission…

Cardinal O’Malley Statement: “It is peace we need in our nation today, united by the common good of our people…”

Cardinal O’Malley Statement: “It is peace we need in our nation today, united by the common good of our people…”

The beginning of the Prayer of St. Francis is familiar to most of us: “Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.”  And it is peace we need in our nation today, united by the common good of our people. The violence witnessed in our nation’s capital yesterday serves only to inflame our divisions and pit citizen against citizen at a time we need to be united. We reject all forms of violence including the acts of those who stormed our Capitol…