Our Lenten Gift collection for the St. John-St. Paul POWIR Ministry will be taken up at all Masses in both parishes this weekend, March 20-21. Please place your donations in the 2021 Lenten Gift receptacles in the entryways of the
March 14, 2021: Mass for Fourth Sunday of Lent
Please join us this weekend for our Mass for the Fourth Sunday of Lent, celebrated by Fr. Jim and recorded at St. John the Evangelist Church, by clicking the video above. You can also watch the Mass on our Vimeo
New Starting This Week! Sunday 5:00pm Mass
Over the last several weeks, reservations for weekend Masses have grown at a steady rate . Now, as more and more parishioners are becoming fully vaccinated, the number of parishioners returning to Mass has grown dramatically, and we are so
March 7, 2021: Mass for Third Sunday of Lent
Please join us this weekend for our Mass for the Second Sunday of Lent, celebrated by Fr. Jim and recorded at St. John the Evangelist Church with members of our Sunday 5pm Mass music group, by clicking the video above. You can also watch the Mass on our Vimeo page.
This Mass, and all our previously recorded Masses and Liturgies, are available on the Previously Recorded Liturgies page of our website.
2021 Catholic Appeal Launches This Weekend
This weekend, we launch the annual Catholic Appeal, along with all the other parishes throughout the Archdiocese. Each year, the Catholic Appeal provides the faithful with a way to help support the ministries that support our parishes, our schools, and
On COVID Vaccines: “We Are in a Race Against Time…”
In an effort to bring more clarity and clear guidance to the COVID vaccines, MC Sullivan, Chief Health Care Ethicist for the Archdiocese of Boston, has published an article articulating the position of the Archdiocese in addressing the vaccines and the desire for everyone to be vaccinated.
“People of faith have raised concern about the development of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, the newest weapon in the arsenal to fight this dangerous disease, related to the use of aborted stem cell tissue. They are right to raise the question, but it is extremely important to understand that the Church has addressed those concerns…”
February 28, 2021: Mass for Second Sunday of Lent
Please join us this weekend for our Mass for the Second Sunday of Lent, celebrated by Fr. Jim and recorded at St. John the Evangelist Church with members of our Sunday 5pm Mass music group, by clicking the video above. You can also watch the Mass on our Vimeo page.
This Mass, and all our previously recorded Masses and Liturgies, are available on the Previously Recorded Liturgies page of our website.
Wednesday Evening Confessions Cancelled This Wednesday, February 24
Unfortunately, we must cancel our regularly scheduled Confessions at St. Paul this Wednesday, February 24. Confessions will still be available this Saturday, February 27 from 1:00-2:30pm at St. John, and our regular Wednesday evening Confessions from 7:00-8:00pm at St. Paul
February 21, 2021: Mass for First Sunday of Lent
Please join us this weekend for our Mass for the First Sunday of Lent, celebrated by Fr. J. Bryan Hehir and recorded at St. Paul Church, by clicking the video above. You can also watch the Mass on our Vimeo
February 14, 2021: Mass for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Please join us this weekend for our Mass for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, celebrated by Fr. Brogan and recorded at St. John the Evangelist Church, by clicking the video above. You can also watch the Mass on our