“Today a loving God called Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI home to his eternal reward for a lifetime of dedicated service to the Church. That service included 71 years as a priest, 28 years as a Cardinal, and nearly eight years leading the Catholic Church as the Bishop of Rome and Successor to St. Peter. His life and his pontificate were based in a deep and abiding faith and an extraordinary record of theological scholarship. In the years leading to the Second Vatican Council and at the Council itself, Father Joseph Ratzinger made substantial contributions to the renewal of Catholic theology, and he played a significant role in the drafting of key conciliar documents…
Remembering Sr. Julie McDonough, SNDdeN, former Saint John School Principal
Sr. Julie McDonough, SNDdeN, principal of Saint John School for almost 25 years, went peacefully home to her good God on December 25, 2022 after 72 years of service to the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur.
Sr. Julie will be remembered at the Saint John School Mass on Monday, January 9 at 9:00am at St. John the Evangelist Church, the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. The Mass is open to all members of our collaborative and school community to join in remembering and praying for Sister Julie.
A Christmas Message from Fr. Jim
As I write these words, we have just celebrated the Third Sunday of Advent, known as Gaudete Sunday. The rose vestments and candle on the Advent wreath remind us that the Lord is near. And therefore, there is always cause for rejoicing.
Six months ago, I was involved in an accident which nearly took my life. Today my heart is full of gratitude to God as I am restored in body, mind and spirit. And my heart overflows with gratitude to you! The support of your love and prayers during these months has been a balm to my spirit. God has heard your prayers. I begin my slow return to ministry with a renewed conviction that God is good, and that God is faithful. You have been Christ’s face to me!
Mary Campion, Coordinator of Pastoral Care, to Retire
Mary Campion, who has served as our Coordinator of Pastoral Care since August of 2021, will be retiring from ministry at the end of this year. We are grateful to Mary for sharing her gifts and talents with the St. John-St. Paul Collaborative community, and we know you join us in wishing her every blessing as she begins this new phase of her life.
Mary began her career with the Archdiocese of Boston in 1983 as a Spanish teacher in a diocesan high school. After working in the publishing industry, she returned to work for the Archdiocese in 2005 as a Director of Religious Education. She then became a Pastoral Associate and has worked in that capacity in three different parishes…
St. John “Carol Sing” – Monday, December 12 at 6:00pm
All are invited to join us Monday, December 12 at 6:00pm for a good old-fashioned Carol Sing!
Come to sing all your favorite Christmas Carols!
Bring your family and friends –
and some festive sweets to share!
Book of Remembrance
In the Catholic liturgical calendar, November is entirely devoted to the deceased. The Church prays for those who have joined the Communion of Saints and for the Souls in Purgatory. All are invited to enter the names of deceased loved
Mass Schedules for All Saints Day and All Souls Day
All Saints Day
Tuesday, November 1
A Holy Day of Obligation
7:00am Mass at St. John Church
9:00am Mass at St. John Church
7:00pm Mass at St. Paul Church (Confessions will be heard after Mass)
All Souls Day
Wednesday, November 2
9:00am Mass at St. Paul Church
7:00pm Mass at St. John Church
St. Paul Confessions Moving from Wednesday to Tuesday Evenings
Due to upcoming changes in Fr. Hehir’s schedule, Confessions at St. Paul will move from Wednesday evenings to Tuesday evenings.
Beginning this Tuesday, October 18, the scheduled hours for the Sacrament of Reconciliation in the Collaborative will be:
Tuesdays at St. Paul from 7:00 – 8:00pm
Saturdays at St. John from 1:00 – 2:30pm
Getting to Know Our Guest Celebrants, Part III
This is the third installment in our series featuring our guest celebrants to help you learn a little bit about them and put faces with names!
Fr. Arthur MacKay
Fr. MacKay is no stranger to the St. John-St. Paul Collaborative, having served as the Parochial Vicar at St. Paul from 2012-2015, and then at the newly-formed Collaborative until 2017, but we wanted to “re-introduce” him to everyone! A son of the late Charles and Marjorie (Sullivan) MacKay, Fr. Arthur is presently a Priest Hospital Chaplain at Lahey Hospital and Framingham Union MetroWest Hospital. Fr. MacKay grew up in Newton…
Attention Young Singers and Families: Join the Christmas Youth Choir
Our 21st Annual Christmas Youth Choir sign-up and first rehearsal will take place Sunday, October 30: 11:15-12:15 AM. Participation is open to all St John and St. Paul parishioners in Grades 1-8. Teens in Grade 9-12 are encouraged to participate as assistants – Community Service and Confirmation Credit hours/credit are earned. Adult Family members are invited to join our Family Mass Musician Group for Christmas Eve. Attendance at rehearsals is required.
7 Rehearsals will take place on the following Sunday mornings (rehearsals do not conflict with Sunday morning Religious Education)…