Christmas Wish and Giving Tree All Wrapped Up!

Christmas Wish and Giving Tree All Wrapped Up!

Thank you to all who purchased gifts and gave so generously to the Giving Tree! We are so grateful for your support, which make a real difference in the lives of others each year at Christmas time. And thank you to the Religious Ed students and families who helped move and sort the gifts in the Parish Hall so they would be ready for pick up!

Through the overwhelming kindness and generosity of our parish, Christmas Wish was able to provide gifts and outfits to more than 345 children from 116 families in Brockton, Lowell, Roxbury, and Wellesley. We also raised enough donations for each family to get a $200 grocery gift card. And in addition we were able to donate another 336 $25 grocery gift cards to Julie’s Family Learning Program in South Boston…

“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light…” A Christmas Message from Fr. Jim

<i>“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light…”</i> A Christmas Message from Fr. Jim

Forty years later, I still remember the darkness. It was all-pervasive in that December of 1984 in Leningrad, U.S.S.R.  Aside from a short period of dawn in the late morning, day and night were the same. Dark and bitterly cold. Living through that winter gave me a new appreciation for the light I had so often taken for granted. I think of that darkness as I imagine Jesus as the Light, which Isaiah foretold: a light of power and searing warmth that transforms the darkest, coldest night into brilliant, glorious day. Jesus is the light that shines in darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. (John 1:5)

Jesus’s light also illumines dark places that had been hidden…

Christmas Music and Flowers

Christmas Music and Flowers

Each year at this time we invite you to donate toward Christmas Music and/or Christmas Flowers at your parish in memory or honor of a loved one. 

You may use the Flower and Music envelopes included with your offertory envelopes and drop them in the collection at Mass, or you may mail or drop your donation to either Parish Office.  Please be sure to include the name(s) of those you want remembered in this special way, and please print clearly.

You can also donate online at…

Sunday, December 8 at 2pm: A Service of Lessons and Carols at St. Paul Church

Sunday, December 8 at 2pm: A Service of Lessons and Carols at St. Paul Church

All are invited to attend a service of Lessons and Carols for Advent and Christmas featuring readings from scripture telling of the coming and birth of Christ paired with music sung by the combined choirs of St. John and St. Paul. This year’s concert will be held at St. Paul Church at 2:00pm on Sunday, December 8.

Lessons and Carols is a service of Scripture and song that dates to the late 19th century. Through poignant readings from the Old and New Testaments, interspersed with beautiful music sung by the combined choirs of St. John and St. Paul, the congregation is invited to reflect on the birth of Jesus in the context of its significance in salvation history…

Sunday, December 8 at 6:00pm: Family Movie Night at St. Paul!

Sunday, December 8 at 6:00pm: Family Movie Night at St. Paul!

We invite you and your family to celebrate the Christmas season with us as we enjoy popcorn and hot chocolate and watch Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer at St. Paul Parish Hall! 

We will have a brief faith-filled discussion about some underlying themes and conclude the evening with a family service project, helping to sort the Giving Tree gifts.

We hope your family can join us!

Trees & Trimmings: Saturday, December 7, 8:00am-1:30pm

Trees & Trimmings: Saturday, December 7, 8:00am-1:30pm

For nearly 50 years, Saint John School has hosted our Annual  Trees & Trimmings Christmas Market. Trees & Trimmings  brings together our SJS Families, Alumni, Faculty and Staff, St. John-St. Paul Collaborative, and our neighbors as we celebrate the season while supporting the Saint John School.  In addition to the trees and greenery offerings onsite,  Trees & Trimmings also offers opportunities to pre-purchase greenery items, raffle tickets, and silent auction items online. 

​The proceeds raised from Trees & Trimmings support the Saint John School through direct contribution to the school’s operating budget, community activities, and enrichment opportunities for the students and teachers…

“Spirit of Sharing” Gift Collection for Saint Patrick Parish, Lawrence

“Spirit of Sharing” Gift Collection for Saint Patrick Parish, Lawrence

Founded over two decades ago here at Saint John School, Spirit of Sharing  helps brighten Christmas for about 350 boys and girls who live in the gateway city of Lawrence, Massachusetts, one of the most financially impoverished cities in the U.S. Many thanks for your continued support of this blessed community. 

This Advent Season, we invite you to donate gifts for children ages 3 to 14 in one of the following three ways:

Shop for a Christmas gift in person and drop it off between December 9 and December 20 at St. John School’s Ledyard Street entrance…

Beginning Again in Faith, Hope, & Joy – An Advent Reflection Series Beginning December 3

<i>Beginning Again in Faith, Hope, & Joy</i> – An Advent Reflection Series Beginning December 3

A 3-Week Advent Reflection Series with Sr. Colleen Gibson, SSJ

Advent marks the beginning of a new year in the Church calendar. As we mark this new beginning and prepare our hearts for Christmas, join the Collaborative community for a 3-week reflection series about beginning again in faith, hope, and joy (three of the four weekly Advent themes!) Reflecting on the stories of Scripture and our own faith journeys, these small group gatherings will offer an opportunity to pause in a busy season to find light in the darkness. 

The group will gather at St. Paul Rectory on Tuesday mornings from 9:30-10:30am on December 3, 10, and 17.   For more information, or if you are in need of a ride, contact Sister Colleen at Participants are asked to please register at…

Tuesday, December 3 Evening for Women: The Annunciation – An Advent Liturgy

Tuesday, December 3 Evening for Women: <i>The Annunciation – An Advent Liturgy</i>

All women of the Collaborative are invited to gather in the Chapel at St. John for our Advent Liturgy. 

We are thrilled to welcome our special guest preacher Kayla August, who is a PhD candidate at Clough School of Theology and Ministry at Boston College. She currently studies theology and education with a particular focus on preaching. Born in New Orleans, Louisiana, Kayla offers a preaching that is vibrant, energetic and inspirational.  

Followed by a pot-luck dinner in Powers Hall – please bring a dish to share!

To help us plan for the evening, please click this link to let us know that you’re coming…