Boo! It’s time to think about Christmas!

Boo! It’s time to think about Christmas!

Christmas in October???  Yes, that’s a scary thought!!!

But when it comes to fulfilling Christmas Wishes for 400 children we need to start thinking about Christmas in October!  We have only 3 weeks to recruit volunteers to sign up to sponsor a child this Christmas – will you be one of them?

When you sponsor a child (or multiple children) through Christmas Wish, you will be given a wish list for clothing and a special gift that you will purchase and drop off at a local Wellesley home to be delivered to the families. Your instructions will be emailed to you the week before Thanksgiving and gifts will need to be dropped off the week after Thanksgiving.

We also welcome donations to help purchase gifts and gift cards for children not matched with sponsors…

Evening for Women: “Speaking of God with Julian of Norwich” – Tuesday, November 12 at 6:00pm at St. John

Evening for Women: “Speaking of God with Julian of Norwich” – Tuesday, November 12 at 6:00pm at St. John

With guest speaker Anne Mears

Tuesday, November 12 from 6:00 – 8:00pm
St. John the Evangelist Church

(Powers Hall and Lower Chapel)

All women of the Collaborative are warmly invited to come and join us in a space of reflection and inspiration as we explore the powerful and nurturing images of God which come to us through the writings of one of the great women mystics: Julian of Norwich. Anne Mears will guide us as we explore how Julian’s work can enrich our spiritual lives and the life of the Church today. 

 Stay for our pot-luck supper – bring a dish to share. Invite a friend! To help us plan for the evening, please let us know if you’re coming…

“The synod is far from over”

“The synod is far from over”

Below is Sr. Colleen Gibson’s recent article published in the National Catholic Reporter.  

A few weeks ago, in the run-up to the opening of the second session of the synod on synodality, the Prayer of the Faithful in our parish offered an intention for the synod and its delegates. Together we prayed: “For the synod: that as delegates gather in Rome this week, they may carry with them the cares and concerns of the communities they represent — speaking freely, listening deeply and engaging prayerfully in their efforts to follow the Spirit’s guidance.”

After Mass, a parishioner stopped me in the church foyer. “Is that still going on?” they asked.

My face clearly revealed I didn’t know what they were talking about…

Thank You from SVdP!

Thank You from SVdP!

The St. John-St. Paul Society of St. Vincent de Paul would like to thank our collaborative community for their tremendous support of our recent Fill-the-Truck event. The response to helping those in need was tremendous – may God bless you all!

We will be back next fall with our next Fill-the-Truck event!  

SVDP Fill-A-Truck Event! This Weekend, October 12-13 in the St. Paul Church Parking Lot

SVDP Fill-A-Truck Event! This Weekend, October 12-13 in the St. Paul Church Parking Lot

 Saturday, October 12: 9:00am – 5:00pm

Sunday, October 13: 9:00am – 1:00pm

St. Paul Parking Lot
(behind the church –  enter from Atwood St.)

Items Needed:
Clothing: men’s, women’s, children’s, shoes
Accessories: hats, scarves, costume jewelry
Linens: bedding, towels, sheets, blankets, kitchen linens
All donations must be bagged and in good/clean condition. 

Clean out your closets and help those in need – let’s fill the truck! Thank you for helping us help others.

Questions?  Need pickup for your donations?  Email  during the week of October 6.

Saturday, October 26 at 10:00am – “Hope for Our Common Home: Catholics Care for Creation” (Webinar)

Saturday, October 26 at 10:00am – “Hope for Our Common Home: Catholics Care for Creation” (Webinar)

Join the Archdiocese of Boston Social Justice Ministry  in collaboration with the Boston Catholic Climate Movement for an important webinar: “Hope for Our Common Home: Catholics Care for Creation.”

In Laudato Si’ Pope Francis urges us to listen to the cries of the poor and the cries of the earth. We are called to protect life and preserve all that sustains life on earth. How do we respond?

In this webinar we engage with Social Justice Leaders to contemplate the moral imperatives of caring for God’s creation. Please join us as we discover opportunities to work together in caring for creation. 

To register…

Update from the Synod: Day 5 – The Last Day

Update from the Synod: Day 5 – The Last Day

Today is Sunday, which is supposedly a day of rest. But we were excited to get up and go to Mass at the Jesuit English-speaking Oratory of St. Francis Xavier of Caravita.

Four of us were asked to take part in the liturgy. We foolishly thought that taking a taxi rather than walking a mile with the rest would get us there in plenty of time. We waited and ordered Ubers and taxis that never came. With twenty-five minutes to go, we ran to the church, pushing aside tourists packed around the Trevi Fountain and rushing into the church with one minute to spare. The priests were lined up and, without catching our breath, we were leading the procession!

A Letter of Gratitude from Fr. Kevin

A Letter of Gratitude from Fr. Kevin

I write to express my deep gratitude for the incredible hospitality and generosity you have shown me during my time here at St. Paul’s Parish.

From the moment I arrived in July, through the months of August and September, you welcomed me with open hearts and made me feel part of your parish family. Your kindness, warm conversations, and spiritual support have made my stay not only comfortable but deeply enriching. I found another home away from home.

The memories of our shared moments at Mass, parish gatherings, and the many expressions of friendship and care will remain with me as I continue my journey of faith and study in Rome…

Update from the Synod: Day 4 – Deacon Day!

Update from the Synod: Day 4 – Deacon Day!

On this day we found ourselves in the Saint Lawrence Basilica, built as a diaconiae (not to be confused by that word). A diaconiae started as a simple structure to serve the needs of the poor in the area. Over time it was developed and expanded to include an oratory where deacons could gather in prayer. To this day, this oratory contains the Easter Candle as well as the ambo for the proclamation of the Gospel. Eventually a sanctuary was added to the oratory. This three-part design of the oratory and the sanctuary is a graphic reminder of the deacon’s threefold ministry of the Word (oratory), Sacrament (sanctuary) and Charity (the nave). These three make up one sacred reality! Pope Francis resumed the ancient custom of entrusting a church to a Deacon…

Updates from the Synod: Day 3 – “For every Francis, a Clare.”

Updates from the Synod: Day 3 – “For every Francis, a Clare.”

Early in the morning we went to the Basilica of St. Mary Major.

The Basilica ties its origins to a miracle that occurred in the fourth century: a snowfall on August 5 in Rome—a sign revealed to Pope Liberius in a dream. To commemorate that event every year on that date a snowfall of white rose petals cascades down over the altar. It felt dreamlike to be here! We had a special opportunity to celebrate Mass in one of the side chapels. Our two priests presided with their backs to us, tucked into that side altar in a church with snowfalls, Bernini statues, marbled mosaics and a relic from the nativity crib!

In the afternoon, Discerning Deacons and CEAMA (Amazonian Ecclesial Conference) hosted a panel in Pope Pius XI Hall…