This year The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord (February 2) falls on the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, superseding the readings for the Fourth Sunday and offering us the opportunity to take part in special rituals associated with the Presentation.

Popularly known as “Candlemas,” the Feast of the Presentation celebrates the fortieth day after Christmas and is traditionally marked by the solemn blessing of and procession with candles. To mark this feast, a special blessing of the candles will take place at the beginning of every Mass next weekend, February 1-2.

This blessing invites God, the true light, to pour “into the hearts of the faithful the brilliance of perpetual light.”  While tapers will be available at the Masses for the blessing of the candles, this rite also provides the opportunity for parishioners to bring candles from home to be blessed, which then may be lit throughout the year in times of joy or sadness as a reminder of God’s abiding presence and love. All households that wish to have a candle blessed are invited to bring one to Mass next weekend and to place it in front of the altar before Mass begins.

We rejoice in the opportunity to mark this marvelous feast as a Collaborative community and thank you in advance for your participation. May the Christ light guide us and may each of us shine the light of Christ for the world to see!


Sunday, February 2: The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord