Our parishioner, Svea Fraser, is in Rome with the Discerning Deacons/CEAMA Pilgrims and will be sending us updates from their journey!


Today is Sunday, which is supposedly a day of rest. But we were excited to get up and go to Mass at the Jesuit English-speaking Oratory of St. Francis Xavier of Caravita.

Four of us were asked to take part in the liturgy. We foolishly thought that taking a taxi rather than walking a mile with the rest would get us there in plenty of time. We waited and ordered Ubers and taxis that never came. With twenty-five minutes to go, we ran to the church, pushing aside tourists packed around the Trevi Fountain and rushing into the church with one minute to spare. The priests were lined up and, without catching our breath, we were leading the procession!

Apart from being confronted with a translation in the Lectionary that I had not seen before, the honor of proclaiming the Scriptures in Rome in that Jesuit Oratory was awe-some. And after Mass everyone was offered a little cup of Prosecco to lift our spirits even higher!

The afternoon retreat was offered time for quiet reflection and sharing impressions of the week. Our closing ritual ended with singing and blessing by our Canadian indigenous leaders Kinoshameg and Mary O’Donnell, and gifts from the Amazon shared by Sister Laura Vicuña.

At 5:00 Pope Francis led a Rosary for peace with Synod delegates at the Basilica of Saint Mary Major. Some of us went to the church while the rest of us prayed at Casa Saint Rafaella.

This was the last day of our pilgrimage. I will write more about my thoughts on what it is like being at the periphery of the action at the Synod. But for now, I must pack and like most of us, I’m exhausted!

There will be more pictures and words to follow. Thank you for coming along with me and for giving me the opportunity to share “postcard images” from this side of the Tiber.

Ciao for now, but please stay tuned!



To view all the posts in this series please visit our Synod page.

Update from the Synod: Day 5 – The Last Day