We are overjoyed to welcome our new Collaborative Director of Music, William Endicott. 

Prior to joining us here at the Collaborative, William served as Music Director and Organist at Holy Name Parish in West Roxbury and the Director of Music and Conductor of the Harvard Catholic Center. He holds three music degrees including Bachelor of Voice Performance, Master of Music in Choral Conducting and Master of Sacred Music in Organ Performance.  His warm and generous spirit were clear to the selection committee throughout the process, and he brings extensive expertise in the areas of organ, conducting, composition, and liturgy.

As we announced back in February when we began the search process, the new role of Collaborative Director of Music replaces our past structure of separate parish music directors. As Collaborative Director of Music, William has responsibility for and oversight over all facets of music ministry within the Collaborative, including the music of every Mass as well as our adult, teen, and children’s choirs.  He looks forward to familiarizing himself with the musical traditions of our unique parishes while also looking for opportunities to deepen our collaboration.

New! A Weekly Music and Worship Aid!

One area where William brings significant musicology is the regular use of a worship aid. The weekly worship aid will provide the music for the Mass as well as program notes to enhance your experience of the selections. We encourage everyone to take a copy of the weekly Music and Worship Aid (as well as the bulletin!) on the way into Mass.


Welcoming Our Collaborative Director of Music, William Endicott!