As you may know, the people of Brazil are experiencing the impacts of unprecedented floods which are causing enormous suffering, loss of life and the displacement of more than 600,000 people from their homes.

The connection our Archdiocese has with Brazilian Catholics is a large and growing Brazilian community here in the Commonwealth and is present in several of our parishes in the Boston area. Our Brazilian brothers and sisters here are deeply concerned about their relatives, friends, and other citizens in Brazil.

In response to the floods in Brazil, Cardinal Seán is asking the parishes of the the Archdiocese to once again step forward with a special collection to help our brothers and sisters in need in Brazil. Catholic Relief Services (CRS) works with Caritas Brazil, an agency of the Church in Brazil, and is assisting with the needs in Brazil today and will receive funds collected during this time.

The Archdiocese of Boston has a proud history of stepping forward to assist people in need. Whether in response to the earthquake in Haiti, Tsunami in Japan, relief efforts in response to the fires in Maui or hurricane relief in the southern parts of the United States, we have provided necessary resources to stem the suffering.

The Special Second Collection will be taken up at the St. John-St. Paul Collaborative on June 29-30. Parishioners are asked to address their checks to their home parish (“St. John the Evangelist Parish” or “St. Paul Parish”), with “Brazil Relief” in the memo. The parish will then send what has been collected to the Archdiocese of Boston for distribution to CRS.

Thank you for your prayers for the people of Brazil and for anything you can contribute to this effort.

Learn more here: CRS Brazil Emergency Fact Sheet

This Weekend, June 29-30: Special Second Collection for Brazil