Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:1

All women of the Collaborative are invited to join us on Tuesday, December 5 at 6:30pm at St. John for our December “Evening for Women” program.  Our featured speaker this month will be Dr. Colleen M. Griffith, Professor of the Practice of Theology at Boston College’s School of Theology and Ministry, where she serves as Faculty Director of Spirituality Studies and Coordinator of the Practical/Pastoral Area. Dr. Griffith will be sharing an Advent offering – Making Haste Into the Hill Country: An Encounter of Blessing. 

After our program in the Lower Chapel we will gather in Powers Hall for a potluck dinner – please bring a dish or beverage to share! Invite a friend or neighbor to come along!

To help us plan for the evening, please RSVP here:


Dr. Griffith holds her doctorate in Theology from Harvard Divinity School, where she worked under the direction of historical theologian Margaret Miles. Dr. Griffith’s research and writing interests include historical and contemporary spirituality, Christian theologies of the body, method in practical theology, and exploration of the relationship between doctrine and spiritual practice.

In addition to her full time teaching during the academic year, she directs the Summer Post Master’s Program in Spiritual Formation offered at the STM.

Dr. Griffith’s publication Prophetic Witness: Catholic Women’s Strategies for Reform, received a first place book award by the Catholic Press Association in June of 2010. Author of numerous articles, chapters, and encyclopedia entries, Dr. Griffith’s most recent project has been the book Formative Theological Education, co-edited with Dr. Hosffman Ospino.




Evening for Women: “Making Haste Into the Hill Country: An Encounter of Blessing” with Dr. Colleen Griffith