On behalf of Birthright of Framingham, thank you for the lovely and generous donation of baby items following your St. Paul Giving Tree drive. Once again, we were overwhelmed and deeply humbled by St. Paul’s incredible outpouring of generosity. There were so many boxes and bags of donated items that my jeep was filled to the brim – twice! What an enormous effort by your Parish and the Giving Tree Ministry! This donation will carry us through much of the year for many of the basic supplies we try to offer our clients, like diapers, wipes, baby blankets, warm clothing, and bathing supplies.  I can tell you that it does truly make a difference to the families who come into Birthright when we are able to provide them with these items. 

We are finding that we have more and more “repeat clients”: these are women who first come to us for moral support and material help when they are pregnant, and who return on a regular basis (usually monthly) to visit and pick up supplies and clothing for their growing baby. One family that we’ve been serving for about a year came in two weeks ago with their now toddler wearing two sweatshirts because he didn’t have a warm coat. It was such a joy for me to pull out one of the cozy snowsuits we had recently received from St. Paul’s and give it to the family.  Both parents were incredibly grateful, and I could see in the mother’s eyes the relief she felt. 

Thank you for being such a supportive part of this community and for helping us carry out Birthright’s mission of offering friendship, love and support to pregnant mothers and new families. 

Please extend our tremendous gratitude to the entire St. Paul Parish.

With great thanks,

Rebecca Weeks
Birthright of Framingham

Thank You from Birthright of Framingham