In the coming week, all registered parishioners will receive a mailing with their parish’s Annual Financial Report, which provides a detailed picture of the financial health of the parish. The mailing also includes a letter from Fr. Jim asking for your continued support in the year ahead.
Last weekend at every Mass, Fr. Jim spoke about how special our parishes – and parish communities – are. Please take some time to prayerfully reflect on your contribution to your parish, and give as generously as you can. You make the mission of your parish possible, and your support of the Offertory and the Annual Appeal is critical to ensuring that your parish continues to thrive in the years ahead. Thank you.
Ways to Give
Give Online:
Visit the Collaborative website at and scroll down for the St. John and St. Paul Donate buttons.
Give by Check:
Your mailing includes a pledge card and return envelope. Checks may be returned by mail, dropped at your Parish Office, or placed in a collection at Mass. (Please make your check payable to your parish and note “Annual Appeal” in the memo.)