All registered families have been sent an email with program information for the upcoming year. This email has detailed information about each program, a link to the calendar and a link to the corresponding Parent Guide. If you have not received the email please check your spam folder and if it is not there please contact to resolve any communication issues. 

Please note that we are still looking for teachers to help out with our Wednesday afternoon classes. There are only 9 sessions and they will meet from 3:30 -4:30 pm on Wednesday. Please consider sharing your faith with the young people in our program, it is a very rewarding experience. Please email if you can offer your time and talents for this very special ministry.

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Sunday, September 8 at St. Paul  (2nd Sunday)
9:00am Family Mass
10:00am Religious Ed Program Information at Coffee & Donuts
5:00pm Youth Mass

Sunday, September 15 at St. John (3rd Sunday)
9:00am Family Mass
10:15am Sacrament 2 Meeting for Parents & Students*
5:00pm Youth Mass
6:00pm Confirmation 2 Meeting for Parents & Students*

Sunday, September 22 at St. Paul
10:30am Collaborative Outdoor Mass (St. Paul Lawn)
6:00pm Grade 8 Confirmation Meeting for Parents & Students*
7:00pm Grade 9 Confirmation Meeting for Parents & Students*

Wednesday, September 25 at St. John
6:00pm Grade 6-7 Pre-Confirmation Meeting for Parents & Students*

Sunday, September 29 at St. John (5th Sunday)
9:00am Family Mass
10:15am Sacrament 1 Meeting for Parents & Students*
5:00pm Youth Mass
6:00pm Youth Ministry Event

*detailed information about Parent Meetings were sent with program information, please refer to that email for specific location info.

Please be sure to check the Religious Ed calendar, found in the latest email communication and on the Collaborative website, for the complete schedule of classes and events.  Details for any and all classes and events are sent to registered families in the monthly newsletters – please reach out if you have not been receiving our communications.


Do you enjoy Coffee & Donuts after 9:00am Family Mass? 

Please help keep it available and running smoothly by volunteering to help on an upcoming weekend!  CLICK HERE to Sign Up to help with picking up the donuts, set up, or clean up!  There is one Sign-Up for St. John and one for St. Paul (if you’re on a phone you can toggle between them using the drop down menu at the top.)  It takes a village to keep all of our efforts successful so please help – it is easy and instructions are provided for all tasks.


Religious Education News