You are invited to join a 6-session Little Rock study of the second part of the prophet Isaiah, chapters 40 to 66. (Part 1 is not required as a prerequisite.)

Dates: September 18, 25; October 2, 9, 16, 23

Time: Wednesdays at 9:30 am

Place: St Paul Parish Hall

Following the oracles of destruction that dominate the earlier portion of the book of Isaiah, Part Two of our study covers Isaiah 40–66, emphasizing the majesty of God and the divine plan for Israel’s restoration. Leslie Hoppe’s commentary continues to explore the history, theology, and poetry of this essential prophetic work, making a case that Isaiah is not so much about divine retribution as it is about liberation and a return to God’s loving embrace.

The recommended study set is available from:


Our first session covers chapters 40-43.

For more information contact David Horn at

Fall Bible Study: Isaiah Part Two – Begins September 18