It’s been a busy week! Work on the new gates and fencing is in full swing, and by the time you read this the top coat will have been applied!  We are on schedule to reopen the parking lot next weekend, August 10-11, and return to our Regular Summer Mass Schedule.

Summer Weekend Mass Schedule – August 10-11 Through Labor Day Weekend:
  • Saturday 4:00pm Vigil Mass at St. Paul
  • Saturday 5:00pm Vigil Mass at St. John*
  • Sunday 9:00am Mass at St. Paul*
  • Sunday 11:00am Mass at St. John    *Livestreamed Masses

IMPORTANT:  Beginning Saturday, August 10 the parking lot will be open for Weekend Mass and funeral parking, but may be closed at other times to facilitate ongoing work. In addition, we must wait several weeks for the asphalt to cure sufficiently before the striping of parking spaces can happen. PLEASE DRIVE SLOWLY AND CAREFULLY, AND PARK IN THE SAME LAYOUT AS BEFORE.  We thank you for your patience and look forward to the completion of this much needed work!

St. John Parking Lot Reconstruction: Week 3