Fr. Kevin Onyeka Chukwuka of the Archdiocese of Onitsha in Nigeria has been with us this summer while on break from his studies at the Pontifical Institute of Moral Theology, Alphonsian Academy in Rome. Once his studies in Rome are complete, he will return to his home diocese to help grow the Church in Nigeria.

We are grateful for his time with us and for the opportunity to support him in his education and ministry. We are taking up this Special Second Collection to help support Fr. Kevin’s ongoing educational journey as he prepares to return to his studies in Rome at the end of September.

Cash and checks (please note “Fr. Kevin” in the memo) may be placed in the second collection at all Masses on the weekend of August 31-September 1, or mailed to either parish office before the end of September.

Online Donations

Online contributions may be made using the form below through the end of September.

Special Second Collection August 31-September 1: Thank You Fr. Kevin