It was with great joy that I was able to be a part of the General Chapter for my congregation, the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Philadelphia, at the end of June.

For ten days, a group of 189 sisters gathered at Chestnut Hill College in Philadelphia to pray together, discern our future, and ask God’s guidance on the next five years of our Congregation.

As our Chapter theme called us we spent our days Listening Deeply & Loving Courageously,” not just for our own life but for the life of the world and the many communities we serve. Truly it was blessed time to be together, filled with sacred sharing, heartfelt reunions, and a healthy dose of laughter along the way. In addition to crafting a direction statement for our next five years (which I hope to share with you all soon), we also called five of our sisters to the full-time ministry of leadership as members of our General Council.

Throughout the Chapter days, my sisters and I (especially me!) were consoled to know that the SJSP community was praying with and for us during this critical time. I surely carried you all with me and give thanks for the love and support you’ve shown. The future is bright- filled with hope and calling us to faith.

Thank you for helping me to make that journey and walking the Way with me and my sisters as our Loving God reveals the path day by day.

With Love & Gratitude,

Sister Colleen



Thank You for Your Prayers!