We are excited to let you know that we will be replacing the St. John parking lot this summer! The parking lot is long past its expected lifespan, so the project will be a major undertaking as it requires the demolition and removal of the existing surface prior to the installation of the new surface. The work will begin on Monday, July 15 and is expected to be finished by the week of August 5.

We will be unable to celebrate weekend Masses at St. John on July 20-21, July 27-28, and August 3-4 while the parking lot is closed.  During this time, there will be NO Saturday 5:00pm Vigil Mass and the Sunday 11:00am Mass will be celebrated at St. Paul Church

Temporary Weekend Mass Schedule for July 20-21, July 27-28, August 3-4:  
  • Saturday 4:00pm Vigil Mass at St. Paul*
  • Sunday 9:00am Mass at St. Paul*
  • Sunday 11:00am Mass at St. Paul*

*All Masses will be livestreamed during this time.

The Tuesday/Thursday 7:00am Mass, Saturday Confessions, and other activities including the Rosary on Tuesday evenings, will continue as scheduled at St. John. Please remember to be considerate of the neighbors while parking on our residential streets.  

Please continue to check the website and your email for more information and updates as the project moves forward. (If you haven’t already, please visit the website to sign up for emails!)

We thank you for your patience and look forward to the completion of this much needed work!



St. John Parking Lot Reconstruction and Temporary Weekend Mass Schedule Changes Beginning July 20-21