With the fiscal year end of June 30 rapidly approaching, we are asking for your help. Over the past eleven months, you have answered Jesus’ call to “love your neighbor” over and over again, through your generous support of our Advent Gift for Holy Family Hospital of Bethlehem, our Lenten Gift for Capuchin Mobile Ministries, our Mother’s Day collection of items for the mothers and babies supported by Pregnancy Help Boston, as well as many other Archdiocesan Second Collections throughout the year. You have also generously supported the Clergy Trust Collections which fund the healthcare costs of our beloved priests, and for all of this we are most grateful.

Now we ask you to turn your attention to supporting your parish home by increasing your contribution to the Weekly Offertory, if you are able. As you can see in the financial chart below, the receipts from Weekly Offertory for both St. John and St. Paul are falling short of their budgeted amounts. Each parish relies on the dollars received from the Weekly Offertory to pay for day to day operations, such as the priests’ living expenses, heating and air conditioning in our churches, snow plowing of our parking lots, and maintenance of our buildings. These funds also support the many ministries and programs that make our parishes the vibrant places that they are.

We appreciate your continued support, and are grateful for all they ways you support your parish.

Supporting Your Parish