A very big thank you to all parishioners for your generous response to our “Baby Shower” for Pregnancy Help Boston last month.  You donated enough diapers, bottles, pacifiers, baby wash, lotion, Desitin, newborn outfits, bibs, and hooded towels to fill 2 (!) large SUVs to the brim (and then some!). The staff at Pregnancy Help was overwhelmed at the amount of donations — and so very thankful for your generosity.

A special thanks for the hand-knitted items – many of the women who come to Pregnancy Help are alone, so to have such a unique and special item for their baby, knitted with love in magnificent colors, is a very special gift!

We are returning to the tradition of having an Annual Baby Shower on Mother’s Day Weekend for Pregnancy Help, so to all knitters, please consider this annual event when planning your knitting projects in the year ahead!

Thank You for Supporting Pregnancy Help Boston!