Thank you to the many hundreds of people who engaged in the work of the Synod by sharing their faith, hopes, and dreams for the Church. We are now the synthesis phase, preparing to share the fruits of our listening sessions, online responses, and Question of the Week cards with the Archdiocese of Boston and with the Secretariat for the Synod of Bishops. In October of 2023, all the bishops will meet in a formal synod process to engage with the documents from around the world.

We must understand, though, that this is not a synod with a simple beginning, middle, and end.

Instead, as Fr. Jim explained to us when we began this process, we are called to continue to gather the fruits of what the Holy Spirit is saying to us, and to put synodality – speaking boldly, listening deeply, and including all – into practice in our parishes and in our Church from now on!

Stay tuned for more updates in the weeks ahead!

Synthesizing Our Collaborative Synod Journey