Donations Needed for Afghani Family

Donations Needed for Afghani Family

Our St. John- St. Paul Collaborative POWIR committee is overjoyed to announce that in the coming weeks we will be welcoming a refugee family from Afghanistan. Our housing committee has secured an apartment in the Newton/Brookline area for the family.

Targeted donations for their apartment needs are being solicited in both churches this weekend – look for the envelopes on the clotheslines at the main entrances. Drop off for these specific items will be in Powers Hall at St. John’s from Tuesday, October 26 through Thursday, October 28. 

We are in great need of financial contributions as well! We ask you to prayerfully consider assisting this family…

Retreat and Training for New and Existing Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors

Retreat and Training for New and Existing Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors

Sister Evelyn Ronan, SND will be hosting a retreat and training for new and existing Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors in the Collaborative.

Whether you are feeling called to serve for the first time, or you’d like to renew your energy for the ministry and sharpen your skills, you’ll want to attend!

The need for liturgical ministers has never been more acute. Please consider offering your presence to God in one of these two ministries. ALL ARE WELCOME! 

Eucharistic Ministers: Wednesday, November 3 from 7:00-8:30pm
Lectors: Wednesday, November 10 from 7:00-8:30pm
Both retreats will be held in the St. John the Evangelist Sanctuary.  Please RSVP to:

October 30-31: Sale of Olive Wood Goods to Benefit School of Joy in the Holy Land

October 30-31: Sale of Olive Wood Goods to Benefit School of Joy in the Holy Land

Maysoon Khair will be visiting our Collaborative on the weekend of October 30-31, selling handcrafted Olive Wood items such as nativity scenes, crucifixes, rosaries, and many other beautiful religious items in support of School of Joy, a school in the greater Bethlehem area for children with diversified abilities.

The continued effects of the global pandemic on the tourist economy in the Holy Land has had a serious impact on the school’s finances. If you are able to support this wonderful organization by stocking up on Christmas gifts, you’ll be a double blessing! 

Please look for Maysoon and the wonderful carvings before and after Masses at St. John the Evangelist Church on the weekend of October 30-31. 

2021 Parish Annual Appeals Launched

2021 Parish Annual Appeals Launched

The Parish Annual Financial Report and Annual Appeal for both parishes will be arriving in the mailboxes and inboxes of all registered parishioners in the coming days. As you know, the financial assets and obligations of each parish remain separate. The Annual Financial Report provides a detailed picture of the financial health of your parish, and the Annual Appeal asks for your continued support in the days ahead.

Please take some time to prayerfully reflect on your contribution to your Parish Annual Appeal, and give as generously as you can.  You make the mission of your parish possible, and your support of both the Weekly Offertory and the Annual Appeal is critical to ensuring that your parish continues to thrive in the years ahead.

To make an online donation now…