As you know, the progression of Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a rapidly developing situation. We are monitoring these developments closely, and are implementing the directives, guidance, and best practices we are receiving from the Town of Wellesley, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the Archdiocese of Boston, as we move forward. As always, our foremost concern is for the health and safety of God’s people – our parishioners, our school students and their families, the dedicated staff and many volunteers at our parishes and school – and the wider local and global community.
Directives from the Archdiocese of Boston
Cardinal Seán, in support of the guidance of public health officials, issued the following directives for the Catholic community of the Archdiocese of Boston regarding COVID-19. In providing these directives, the Cardinal acknowledges the need of individuals to make the necessary best judgments for their own well-being and that of their families:
(1) Reception of Holy Communion
During this time of public health concerns we are temporarily suspending distribution of communion on the tongue and invite the faithful to reverently receive the Eucharist in their hand. This directive is motivated by care and concern for the health of our people, especially those who are most vulnerable. As soon as the need for this temporary policy has passed and it will be safe to do so we will return to the practice of distribution of communion on the tongue.
(2) Holy Water Fonts
These should be emptied, cleaned and remain empty.
(3) Public Events
Public gatherings in parishes such as dinners, lunches, and other social gatherings should be postponed or canceled until further notice.
(4) Celebration of Mass
We will continue public celebration of daily and Sunday Mass. This is an exception to #3 but I judge at the moment this to be a necessary source of support for the community.
(5) Vulnerable Individuals
Those at particular risk by reason of age or existing health conditions, are excused from the obligation to attend Mass. We encourage participation in the celebration of Mass broadcast on CatholicTV. Please consult your cable provider and network listings for local access.
Information Regarding Mass at the St. John-St. Paul Collaborative
We would like to emphasize that those who are at particular risk for serious illness are excused from the obligation to attend Mass. Who is at particular risk?
- Older adults
- Anyone with underlying health conditions, such as heart disease, lung disease, or diabetes
- Anyone with weakened immune systems
- Anyone who is pregnant
Anyone with any sign of illness (cough, fever, etc.) should not attend Mass.
When attending Mass, please be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before arriving at church and after you leave.
Please continue to support your parish, even if unable to attend Mass, during this troubling time.
- Weekly donations may be mailed to your Parish Office (St. Paul Parish 502 Washington St. Wellesley, MA 02482 or St. John the Evangelist Parish 39 Washington St. Wellesley, MA 02481)
- Please consider switching to online giving, which supports your parish even when Mass attendance is affected by illness, weather, travel, etc. You can also use online giving to make a one-time donation.
Other Events at the St. John-St. Paul Collaborative
In keeping with directives from the Archdiocese of Boston and the recommendations from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the St. John-St. Paul Collaborative is cancelling or postponing all gatherings (other than Mass) and all non-essential activities until further notice.
This includes Religious Education classes and events, Youth Ministry events, small groups, and other meetings.
Individual confession will continue to be offered on Wednesday evenings and Saturday afternoons (see websites for schedule) but the Collaborative Reconciliation Service is cancelled.
Adoration and Stations of the Cross are also being suspended at both locations.
We must also suspend the use of all Collaborative facilities by outside groups, in support of the guidance of the Commonwealth and the Town of Wellesley. This includes all facilities and buildings of St. Paul Parish, St. John the Evangelist Parish, and Saint John School.
We will continue to update you, via email and our websites, as we move forward. We understand that these decisions and restrictions have a significant impact and far-reaching ramifications for our community, and understand the frustration and uncertainty that is created. Please know that the practices that are being put in place, while disappointing and disruptive, are being done for the common good. We all must do our part to slow down this epidemic.
May God bless our efforts; may Christ be our model of care for others and may Mary intercede for all the sick and suffering. – Cardinal Seán
Please continue to keep all those affected by the coronavirus, their families, and our health care workers in your prayers.