One of our high school students wanted to share with you their experience from their trip to NPH Dominican Republic last year.
My trip to the NPH Dominican Republic home last March was inspiring, eye-opening, and transformative. NPH is a wonderful organization doing so much good in the world! The dedicated staff worked with our group of volunteers and made us appreciate the value of our service. From clearing plantain trees in the garden to working in the kitchen, I knew that I was making a difference. I witnessed the poverty and devastation of the area outside the home first-hand while working off-site to help build a home for a Haitian family, and built great respect for the work NPH does in the community. It made me appreciate the blessings I have been given.
Most importantly, the trip was transformative. It was amazing to see how happy the children were when they received the love and care every child deserves. They come from unfortunate and very sad situations, and NPH is giving them a sense of family that they would otherwise be without. Seeing the pequenos light up when we played jump rope or played basketball helped me know that I was making a difference. I met so many inspiring people on my NPH – DR trip, and hope to return in the near future.
I hope you consider going on the NPH trip this August; you won’t regret it!